Bộ sưu tập tên miền khá đồ sộ của Google hôm nay đã được công bố bởi Gary Price với hơn 400 tên miền và một trong số đó đã được sử dụng cho các dịch vụ của Google như Google News hay Google Earth. Hầu hết các tên miền tập trung vào các tùy chọn có thể có xung quanh Google, từ .com, .net hay .org. Các tên miền khác có tên tương tự hoặc gần giống thì được Google mua lại nhằm chống nguy cơ phishing và nạn ăn cắp thông tin nhằm chuyển hướng truy cập, như site Froogel.com. Google cũng không muốn tên tuổi của mình gắn liền trên tên miền của các website khiêu dâm nên phòng ngừa bằng cách thu gọn các tên miền như porngoogle.com , googleporn.com hay googlesex.com. Ngoài ra, còn khá nhiều tên miền là những dự án trong tương lai của Google như gbrowser.com, googlewifi.com, gcalendar.com, gchat.com, googlebuy.com hay googlemusic.com. Thú vị hơn nữa là Google cũng ngăn ngừa những người dùng quá khích chống lại công ty bằng cách mua luôn tên miền googlesucks.com. Đây là kinh nghiệm “xương máu” từ Microsoft với hàng loạt website được dựng lên với các tên miền như “windows-sucks” … Tham khảo đầy đủ danh sách các tên miền của Google tại đây.
Hoặc tham khảo danh dánh dưới dây: Ngày cập nhật mới nhất: 28/09/2005
466453.com Adsbygoogle.com Adsense.net Adwords.com Adwords.net Adwords.org Adwordsexample.com Adwordsgoogle.com Adwords-select.com Adwordselect.com Adwordsselect.com Adwordsselect.net Adwordsselect.org Akwan.com (still not registered as a Google domain) Android.com (still not registered as a Google domain) Answergoogle.com Answer-google.com Answersgoogle.com Answers-google.com AppliedSemantics.com Appsem.com Arabgoogle.com Arabicgoogle.com Askgoogle.com
Blogger.com Blogspot.com
Catalogsgoogle.com Chinagoogle.com Cobrasearch.com
Deja.com Deja.net Dejadiscussion.com Dejadiscussions.com Deja-discussions.com Dejanews.com Dejanews.net Dejanews.org Dejastinks.com Dejastinks.net Dejasucks.net Dejatracker.com Deja-tracker.com Dodgeball.com (still not registered as a Google domain)
Earthender.com Earthender.net Earthstream.com (still registered to Keyhole) Earthviewer.com Earthviewer.net Earthviewer.org (still registered to Keyhole) Elgoog.com Elgoog.net Elgoog.org
Firehunt.com (not registered to Google by using Google domain servers) Foofle.com Fourth-party.com Fourthparty.net Fourth-party.net Fourthparty.org Fourth-party.org Froogel.com Froogle.com Froogol.com Frooogle.com
Gbrowser.com Gbrowser.net Gbrowser.org Gcalendar.com (currently registered to Data Docket*) Gchat.biz Gchat.us Gdrive.com (currently registered to Data Docket*)
G00gle.com Gewgle.Com Gewgle.com Gewgol.Com Gewgol.com Ggoogle.com Ggoogle.com Ggoogle.com Ggoogle.com Ggooglers.net Ggooglers.org Gigagoogle.com Gigagoogle.net Gigagoogle.org
Gmail.com Gmmgjd.net Gmmgjd.org Gmmgjdwap.com Gngjd.com Gogle.com Gogle.com Gogole.com Googel.com Googel.com Googil.comc Google.biz Google.com Google.info Google.info Google.net Google.org Google.us Google.ws Google1.com Google2.com Google3.com Google4mp3.com
Googleaccelerator.om Google-access.com Googleanswer.com Google-answer.com Googleanswers.com Google-answers.com Googlearabic.com Googlebay.com Googleblog.biz Googleblog.info Googleblog.com Googleblog.net Googleblog.org Googleblows.com Googleblows.net Googleblows.org Googlebot.com Googlebox.biz (registered to Data Docket but using Google domain servers) Googlebox.com (registered to Data Docket but using Google domain servers) Googlebox.info (registered to Data Docket but using Google domain servers) Googlebox.net (registered to Data Docket but using Google domain servers) Googlebox.org (registered to Data Docket but using Google domain servers)
Googlebrowserbutton.com Googlebrowserbuttons.com Googlebucks.com Googlebutton.com Googlebutton.net Googlebutton.org Googlebuttons.com Googlebuy.com Googlebuy.info (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlebuy.net (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlebuy.org (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlecache.com Googlecalendar.net (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlecatalog.com Googlecatalogs.com Googlecom.com Googlecompute.com Google-compute.com Googlecompute.net Googlecompute.org Googlecomputers.com Googlecomputing.com Google-computing.com
Googledesktop.com Google-desktop.com Googledigital.info Googledigital.net Googledigital.org Googledirectory.com Googledirectory.net Googledirectory.org Googledoodle.com Googledoodle.net Googledoodle.org Googleearth.info Googleearth.com Googleearth.net Googleearth.org
Googlee.com Googlefoundation.com Googlefoundation.net Googlefoundation.org (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlegear.com Googlegear.net Googlegear.org Googlegoods.com Googlegroups.com Googleguy.com
Googleimages.com Googleimageads.com Google-inc.com Googleit.com Googleit.net Googleit.org Googlejobs.com Googlejobs.net Googlejournals.com Googlelabs.net Googlelabs.info Googlelabs.net Googlelabs.org Googlelocal.net Googlelocal.org
Googlemail.biz Googlemail.com Googlemail.info Googlemail.org Googlemail.us Googlemaps.com Googlemaps.org Googlemovie.info Googlemovie.net Googlemovie.org Googlemovies.info Googlemovies.net Googlemovies.org
Googlemusic.com Googlenews.net Googlenews.org Googlenum.com
Googleoogle.com Googleoogle.net Googleoogle.org Googlepage.org Googleplex.com Googleplex.org Googleplus.com Googleporn.com
Googleprint.biz Googleprint.com Googleprint.info Googleprint.net Googleprint.org Googleprint.us Googleproxy.com Googlequiz.com Googlequiz.net Googlequiz.org Googleregistrar.com
Googleearth.com Googleearth.infi Googleearth.net Googleearth.org Googlesatellite.com Googlesatellite.info Googlesatellite.net Googlesatellite.org Googlesearch.com Googlesearch.net Googleseek.com Googlesex.com Googlesex.info Googleshopping.com Googleshopping.net Googleshopping.org (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesidebar.com Googlesidebar.net Googlesidebar.org (currently registered to Data Docket*)
Googlesimplex.com Googlesms.biz (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesms.info (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesms.org (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesms.net (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesms.us (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googlesponsoredlinks.com Googlestore.com Googlestuff.com Google-stuff.com Googlesucks.com Googlesucks.net Googlesucks.org Googlesyndication.com
Googletv.com (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googletv.net Googletv.org Googletalk.info (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googletalk.net Googletalk.org (currently registered to Data Docket*) Googletoolbar.com Googlevideo.biz Googlevillage.com Googlewifi.info Googlewifi.net Googlewifi.org Googlewireless.info Googlewireless.net Googlewireless.org Googleworld.org
Googli.com Googlie.com Googlr.com Goolge.com Gooogle.com Gotgoogle.com Gppgle.com Gppglr.com Groupsgoogle.com Guugle.com Guugle.org Igoogle.com Igoogle.net Igoogle.org
Kaltix.com Kaltix.net Kaltix.org Keyhole.com Keyholecorp.com Keyholecorp.net Keyholecorp.org (still registered to Keyhole)
Mobilegoogle.info Mobilegoogle.net Mobilegoogle.org My-deja.com Mydeja.net My-deja.net Mydejanews.com My-dejanews.com Mygoogle.com My-google.com Mygoogle.net My-google.net Mygoogle.org My-google.org Ngoogle.com Numgoogle.com Oingo.com Orcit.com Orcut.com Orkat.com Orkut.biz Orkut.com Orkut.org Orkut.info
Porngoogle.com Sergeybrin.com Sergeybrin.net Sergeybrin.org Talageo.com Toolbargoogle.com Wapgmmgjd.com Wapgoogle.com Wapgoogle.com
Wappdapag.com Wwapgmmgjd.com Wwwadwordsselect.com Wwwadwords-select.com Wwwgoogle.com Wwwgooglecom.com Wwwgoogleoogle.com Wwwgooglesyndication.com Wwwwgoogle.com Urchin.com (not registered to Google but using Google domain servers) Urching.com Urchinstats.com Zipdash.com (acquired by Google but not registered to Google Inc. at the present time) |