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Mọi người đều biết đến công cụ tìm kiếm của Google rất hiệu quả. Nhưng để khai thác hết sự hiệu quả đó đòi bạn phải có một chút ít kiến thức về công cụ tìm kiếm này, quyển sách sau đây giúp bạn nâng cao kiến thức và kỹ năng về công cụ Google .

Sách gồm 15 chương với 360 trang của tác giả Preston Gralla, xuất bản tháng tư 2006.


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Nội dung của cuốn sách :

Part I: Find Anything with Google
Chapter 1. Start Here
Why Use Google?
How Google Works
Why Use Google Tools?
How to Download and Install Google Tools
Sign Up and Manage Your Google Account
Google and Your Privacy
A Quick Tour of Google
Chapter 2. Searching with Google
Section 1. Perform a Basic Google Search
Section 2. About Interpreting Google Results
Section 3. Browse Through Search Results
Section 4. Refine Your Search
Section 5. Perform an Advanced Google Search
Section 6. About Google Search Operators
Section 7. About Power Searching Strategies
Chapter 3. Finding Pictures with Google Images
Section 8. About Finding Images with Image Search
Section 9. Browse Through Image Search Results
Section 10. Use the Image Viewer Interface
Section 11. Perform an Advanced Image Search
Section 12. About Images and Copyright Law
Section 13. Use an Image As Your Desktop Wallpaper
Chapter 4. Searching Discussion Boards with Google Groups
Section 14. Browse Through Google Groups
Section 15. Search Through Google Groups
Section 16. About Tracking Your Favorite Topics
Section 17. Participate in Google Group Discussions
Section 18. Subscribe to Google Groups
Section 19. Create Google Groups Alerts
Section 20. Create Your Own Google Group
Chapter 5. Specialized Google Searching
Section 21. Find People with Google
Section 22. Find Health Information with Google
Section 23. Get Technical Support with Google
Section 24. About Getting Travel Information with Google
Section 25. About Google’s Search-by-Number Feature
Section 26. Get the News with Google News
Section 27. Search Through Blogs with Google
Section 28. Search Books with Google Book Search
Section 29. Find Online Bargains with Froogle
Section 30. About Translating Web Pages with Google
Section 31. About Searching Google with Your Cell Phone
Section 32. Search Through TV Shows with Google Video
Section 33. About Other Google Specialized Searches
Part II: Unleash the Power of Google’s Special Tools
Chapter 6. Searching Your Computer with Google Desktop
Section 34. Search Your PC with Google Desktop
Section 35. Browse Search Results
Section 36. Use and Customize the Sidebar
Section 37. Browse and Search with the Timeline
Section 38. Search Outlook with Google Desktop
Section 39. Set Indexing and Desktop Preferences
Section 40. About Advanced Desktop Searching
Chapter 7. Getting Maps and Directions with Google Local
Section 41. Map a Location
Section 42. Navigate Through Google Local
Section 43. Find Local Information with Google Local
Section 44. Get Directions to Anywhere with Google Local
Section 45. About Satellite Photos
Chapter 8. Create Your Own Google Home Page
Section 46. About Google Personalized Home
Section 47. Add News and Information to Google Personalized Home
Section 48. Add Bookmarks and Your Search History to Google Personalized Home
Section 49. Add RSS Feeds to Google Personalized Home
Section 50. Reorganize Google Personalized Home
Chapter 9. Googling Anywhere with the Google Toolbar
Section 51. Use the Google Toolbar to Search from Anywhere
Section 52. Block Pop-ups with the Pop-up Blocker
Section 53. Fill out Web Forms with AutoFill
Section 54. Dig Deeper on Any Web Page with AutoLink
Section 55. About PageRank
Section 56. Customize the Google Toolbar
Chapter 10. Using Gmail, the Best Email on Earth
Section 57. Set Up a Gmail Account
Section 58. Compose and Send Mail
Section 59. Read Mail and Attachments
Section 60. Search Through Your Mail
Section 61. Build an Address Book
Section 62. Manage Your Mail with Labels and Filters
Section 63. Use Gmail with Your Own Email Program
Section 64. Get Mail Notifications with Gmail Notifier
Section 65. About Gmail and Spam
Section 66. Customize Gmail
Section 67. About Gmail and Privacy
Chapter 11. Discovering the World with Google Earth
Section 68. Fly to a Location
Section 69. Navigate Through Google Earth
Section 70. Find Local Information with Google Earth
Section 71. Use Google Earth to Get Directions
Section 72. About Customizing Your View by Adding and Removing Layers
Section 73. Save Your Favorite Locations
Section 74. Change Google Earth Options
Section 75. About Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro
Chapter 12. Creating Your Own Blog with Google’s Blogger
Section 76. Create a Blogger Account
Section 77. Create a Blog Entry
Section 78. Create a Blogger Profile
Section 79. Customize Your Blog Settings
Section 80. Change Your Blog Template
Section 81. Create a Site Feed
Section 82. Power Up Your Blogging with Blogger Add-ins
Section 83. About Advanced Blogger Features
Chapter 13. Reading News, Blogs, and More with Google Reader
Section 84. About Google Reader and RSS Feeds
Section 85. Subscribe to Feeds
Section 86. Read Your Feeds
Section 87. Sort Your Feeds
Section 88. Manage Your Subscriptions
Chapter 14. Managing and Sharing Pictures with Google’s Picasa
Section 89. Organize Your Pictures
Section 90. Touch up Photographs
Section 91. Add Visual Effects and Captions
Section 92. About Advanced Editing Tools
Section 93. Share Pictures with Email
Section 94. Create Slideshows
Section 95. Print and Order Photos
Section 96. Burn Photo CDs and DVDs
Section 97. Make Posters and Collages
Section 98. Create Screensavers and Windows Wallpaper
Chapter 15. Chatting and Talking with Google Talk
Section 99. Create a Google Talk Account
Section 100. Add a Friend to Your Contacts
Section 101. Send and Receive Instant Messages
Section 102. Voice Chat with Others
Section 103. Set Your Message Status
Section 104. Protect Your Privacy
Section 105. About Browsing and Reading Gmail from Google Talk
Section 106. Set Google Talk Options
Appendix A. Google Tools and Services
Google Search Operators
Searching Strategies
Search by Numbers Feature
Key Terms

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